Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Entrepreneurship - Some thoughts

Below are some thoughts I like to share. I may add, edit or delete things in the future. I should actually.

Entrepreneur should

1. Keep oneself up to date about the his field
2. Always keep networking and meeting new people
3. Never give up - A company takes at least 5 years to mature
4. Find happiness in smallest of the achievements and celebrate
5. Surround oneself with smart people
6. Never assume anything and never take things for granted
7. Attach yourself to the company and not the product
8. Never be obsessed with your position it may change over time
9. Believe in yourself but believe in your partners more 
10. Spend money wisely.
11. Hug your wife not your company. Sell when opportunity is right.
12. Last but the most important - Dream big !!!

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