Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A long walk to freedom - Nelson Mandela

A must read book for anybody especially our current generation who are living in such a free country. The book is an autobiography by Nelson Mandela about the struggle of the people of South Africa on fight against apartheid. It showcases how the white minority suppressed the native black community for more than 3 centuries.
The book highlights that even during the modern days, racial discrimination was so rampant that there was parallel system for everything from transportation, job, land ownership and even for education. Even in prison where Nelson Mandela spend 27 years of his life there was differentiation between the white, black, Indian and coloured communities no matter what the crime.
The book also speaks about ANC the African National Congress and its role in uniting the people under one umbrella to fight for the right to justice.
Nelson Mandela and his comrades had struggled a lot for South Africans to live the life they are living today. A lot of sacrifices where made by these leaders both professionally and personally. It was indeed a long walk to freedom !!!

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