Saturday, June 19, 2010

Quick steps to Joomla Installation

First step in Joomla is ya you guessed it right to download joomla from the joomla website. If you have already not done that then here is the download link.
Please make sure that you download the newest joomla from the the site. Unzip the files into a local folder and name it joomla and then upload the contents of that folder into your server using your favorite FTP client like cuteftp, filezilla, or smartftp you can get most of them for free just google it and you will get it. I use Filezilla and i am pretty happy with it. Easy to download and easy to install.

Steps in Joomla installation

Step 1

Now go to your browser window and enter your respective url followed by where you uploaded the joomla files in your server. The URL should look something like this: You will be asked to select the preferred language of your joomla installation and english will be checked by default. Refer the following image for more details.

Step 2

Then click on next. Then joomla will perform a pre-installation check to check whether your server has got the required configuration to install Joomla on your server. A snaphot has been attached below to help you with this. If your page looks like this then you can go forward with next step. Just click on the Next button.

Step 3

This is not actually a step you can call it a stage if you want since it does not involve much work in here. You can just browse through the license if you want to know more about it.
The next page is the license agreement. Joomla is given under GNU/GPL license which is perfectly free. It just states that you have to provide any change that you make to Joomla free of cost to anyone in simple words.

Step 4

The next step requires you to provide the database details where you have to install the database for your joomla installation. These are the details you need to know before you can continue with this step. You need to know your :
1. Database type (mysql or mysqli)
2. Host name (which will probably be localhost for most of the hosting providers)
3. Database username (You can select this according to your wish)
4. Password (Make sure you make this strong enough and easy to remember)
The database type and hostname will be provided by hosting providers
If you scroll downwards you will see advanced settings. In that if you select drop existing table then any old table from previous joomla installation will be deleted and replaced with new database tables. You may also select back up old tables to backup the old tables. But the tables will be replaced with new one. Another method to use is by changing the table prefix so that you need not replace the old database from the previous installation.

Step 5

Next comes the configuration page where you need to enter your e-mail and password. The page will also ask you whether you want to install sample data which will bring to front some features of the joomla site. Other wise the site will look empty once the site is deployed. Press next once
you are done. You can also enter your sitename in this page.

The installation is now compete and you need to delete the installation directory once you are done. Joomla wont allow you to access the administrator back end till you delete these files. This too can be done using your frp client. Press finish to complete the setup. You can access the the login page or administrator back end of joomla. Your URL will look something like this. So enjoy your joomla experience and give me your feedback.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Life Saving Joomla

Hello everybody !!! This article is dedicated to joomla. I am a beginner to web-development as a whole and i wanted to build a site for MBA aspirants all over the world. Initially i was planning to do it using PHP and asked a lot of people for the cost for building such a site. Well I had a lot of features in my mind so when i approached with these requirements, well you guessed it right the cost was enormous. So one of my friend suggested JOOMLA and i started learning it. Before i started learning JOOMLA i did not even know what is HTML or CSS.
Vast pool of joomla components and modules i have a build achieved my dream and it is still being modified. Now my site has Forum, Polls, Event calender, News letter.